Connelly Cadet Child
Connelly Cadet Child
Start them young! Your job is easy with a pair of Connelly Cadet Trainers. This combo set features a wider design with a large surface area and C.T.S. (Connelly Tracking System) for quicker planing on the water. A removable stabilizer bar holds the skis the proper distance apart to ensure control and confidence while learning. A two-handle rope system lets an adult safey control the pull from the boat. It is directly connected to the skis where the child and the skis each share a portion of the load. Teach your kids how to ski the first time out with this easy to use instructional tool. The Cadet Training System is an easy and fun experience from start to finish.
* Length 45"
* Reinforced Composite Construction
* Child Adjustable Bindings
* Stabilizer Bar Attachment
* Two Handled Rope for Safety
* Suitable for skiers up tp 85 lbs
* One Year Limited Warranty!
* Foot Size 1-4